
Why One-Size-Fits-All Benefits Packages Won’t Work

man handing over paper with employee benefits packages listed

In any business, the workforce is almost always going to be composed of people from different generations and various backgrounds. One of the biggest mistakes business owners make is assuming one-size-fits-all benefits packages are going to appease the variety of unique values and preferences amongst their employees.

Simply sticking to static benefits packages likely isn’t going to satisfy your employees, nor retain top talent. Instead, take the time to choose an insurance agency that doesn’t just care about their business, but about becoming an advocate for yours.

Choosing a Benefits Package that Works

The current workforce spans across four generations; Traditionalists, Baby Boomers, Gen X, and Millennials. These generations are separated by as much as 50 years, which hails a considerable amount of differences in what types of securities are needed based on their current stage of life. Depending on who your employees are, you may want to better understand each generation and their priorities.

When crafting benefits packages, keep in mind these primary priorities of each generation:


Priorities: Security, consistency, loyalty, conservatism, respect

Ideas: Phased retirement, health reimbursement arrangements (HRAs), life insurance

Baby Boomers

Priorities: Pushing boundaries, innovating, experimenting, having a good time

Ideas: High deductible health plans (HDHPs), retirement plans

Gen X

Priorities: Wanting to be heard, hardworking, self-sufficient, independent

Ideas: Child care benefits, paid time off, health insurance


Priorities: Work-life balance, positive environment, social impact

Ideas: Health insurance, student loan repayment

Choosing the Right Insurance Agency

Not all insurance agencies are the right fit for your business, especially when choosing benefits packages. It’s important to think about which attributes of insurance agencies you find most valuable and essential and choose from there. Regardless of what your key decision-making factors are, you should always factor in the following:

  • Relationship
  • Knowledge
  • Reliability

If an agency doesn’t withhold the promise of those three core valuables, then they aren’t an agency you want to work with.

At Snellings Walters, we offer our clients those three core valuables and more. To us, you’re more than just business; you’re an extension of our family. We know that navigating through the world of insurance can be tricky. That’s why we’re here to really dive into what your business needs, pick through the weeds, and set you up for long-term success.

Most insurance agencies want to be in control of what policies you’re allocating your money to, but we care more about helping your business grow and educating you on what you’re buying. We believe you should be in control, but we’ll be here to proactively steer you in the right direction.

We’d love to help you choose a benefits plan that will cover all of your employees’ needs. Get in touch with us here.

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