
Growth Mindset: Where is Our Agency Headed?

Our agency has always placed a large importance on growth. We always say – growth is personal. To us, it means inspiring our team, clients, families, and friends to be the best that they can be. This year, we have refined our growth mindset and goals even more. 

With our personalized, creative business approach and values-based culture, we have had the reputation for providing a unique insurance agency experience for our clients and employees alike – which has proved to result in growth and success. 

As our firm enters into a new chapter with Billy Potter taking on the role of Chief Executive Officer, our goals for growth continue to evolve, and they will underline why we are committed to remaining a privately held company.

Looking into the future, here are a few of our growth goals:

  • Further invest in the professional development of our employees – empowering them to be the best versions of themselves.
  • Attract the right people and have the courage to align them to the right seat.
  • Develop leaders that people will want to follow.
  • Invite new shareholders to invest in our firm and develop our future.
  • Invest in the services offered to our clients so that the sophistication of our solutions mirrors the complexity of their needs.
  • Continue to set and hit record performance numbers.

And for these reasons, our firm will grow at a pace that will eclipse the market. We will tap into the potential of our people and unleash it. 

If these goals sound appealing to you and you’re interested in joining a fast-paced team that is invested in engaging in the lives of others, view our career opportunities here. If you have additional questions on our goals for growth and want to learn more about our services and what we do at Snellings Walters, reach out to our team of insurance experts here.

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