Your Questionnaire Results:


This score represents how well your commercial insurance agent is leading you.

We believe that you should have a proactive process, trust and accountability with your agent, and the best results possible. Below we break down how well you are doing in each of those categories.

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Proactive Process: 0%

A proactive process is critical when it comes to insurance. Your agent should help your business plan by preparing for your insurance renewal months before your deadline approaches, so you can get what you need on time.

I have a proactive renewal process with my agent.

Your Answer:

My agent and I collaborate on a renewal strategy 90+ days from my renewal.

Your Answer:

I receive all of my renewals from my agent with plenty of time to spare before my renewal.

Your Answer:

Trust: 0%

Trust starts with developing a relationship with your agent. Just like any healthy relationship, you will want to make sure you are checking in more than just once every other month.

Clarity is also key when it comes to trust - you should have the freedom to speak openly with your agent about your current needs, and in return, they should provide full transparency, so you can understand what coverage you truly need and be available to help when needed.

I see my agent more the once a year outside of renewal time.

Your Answer:

I feel like my agent understands my business needs.

Your Answer:

I have met my insurance company underwriter.

Your Answer:

My agent is always available to help me when I need it.

Your Answer:

I have high trust in my agent.

Your Answer:

Accountability: 0%

Your company’s values are meant to be more than just words on a wall – they need to be lived out through your culture, operations, and overall business mentality. The same goes for your relationship with your insurance agent. For instance, if you value transparency, communication, and accountability, you’d want an advisor who acts as a partner, rather than one who will only communicate with you when it’s time to renew your agreement.

There is accountability with my agent to deliver on promises made throughout the year.

Your Answer:

I have a long-term insurance strategy outside one renewal at a time.

Your Answer:

Best Results Possible: 0%

You shouldn’t have to worry about coverage confusion, late renewals, or surprise premium increases. Through a streamlined insurance process, you have the ability to know your business better and put the control back in your hands.

I have received surprise premium increases in the past.

Your Answer:

I currently receive value-added services from your agent. (ex: safety advice, claims advocacy, experience modification audits/projection)

Your Answer:

I know that my insurance is the best possible solution - putting money in my pocket vs. the insurance company’s.

Your Answer:

Having your agent shop your insurance is more than just sending applications to an underwriter – I know my agent’s process to ensure they are getting me the best deal.

Your Answer:

My agent is providing tangible, positive results for my organization.

Your Answer:

men at table communing

Have questions about your questionnaire results?

We’d love to walk through this with you, explaining what your score means and what you can do to get back control of your business.